Spiced chai with milk over ice.
Spiced chai with steamed milk.
Hot drip coffee.
Cold coffee over ice.
Blended coffee and milk (like a coffee milkshake).
Espresso and hot water.
Iced espresso and cold water.
Hot coffee and espresso.
Cold coffee and espresso.
Espresso and steamed milk.
Cold espresso and milk over ice.
Espresso with steamed / froth milk.
Espresso, mocha and steamed milk.
Espresso, mocha and milk over ice.
Cold coffee, mocha, milk and ice (blended like a chocolate milkshake).
Mocha with steamed milk and extra shot of espresso.
Mocha with an extra shot of espresso over ice.
Espresso, mocha, milk and ice (blended like a milkshake).
Cold coffee, white chocolate mocha, milk and ice (blended like a milkshake).
White chocolate with espresso and milk over ice.
Layered steamed milk with flavor and espresso.
Layered espresso, milk and flavor over ice.
Cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing.
Roasted pecans with caramel on a cream cheese iced cinnamon roll.
Sweet biscuit type bread.