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Stash Black Leaf tea.
Hot green tea.
Almond and raspberry with soda water.
An old favorite. No eggs, no cream.
A little lime, a little bitters. Gin not provided.
Hand mixed grape soda.
A little raspberry and a little vanilla.
Strawberry Dr. Pepper.
Fresh brewed decaffeinated drip coffee.
Fresh brewed drip coffee.
Shot of espresso and hot water.
Espresso, steamed milk and foam.
Espresso shot, little milk and foam top.
Steamed milk, five count chocolate syrup and one shot of espresso.
Shot of espresso, steamed milk, no foam.
Teaspoon demerara, one shot of espresso and 1 oz. steamed half and half.
Made in house.
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Please call the restaurant for today's selection.