The number of juices included with each cleanses. 1 day cleanse: this cleanse contains 6 juices; 2 days cleanse: this cleanse contains 12 juices; 3 days cleanse: this cleanse contains 18 juices; 4 days cleanse: this cleanse contains 24 juices;
Beets, beet leaves, cucumbers, spinach, apple, parsley.
Carrots, apple, radish, ginger.
Pineapple, apple, lemon, turmeric root.
Almonds, cinnamon, agave.
Coconut water, cucumber, pineapple, mint.
Cucumber, spinach, kale, parsley, lime, apple, ginger.
Lemon, cranberry, pink Himalayan salt, alkaline water.
8 oz.
8 oz.
8 oz.