Comes with 2 sides and honey butter rolls.
Comes with 2 sides and honey butter rolls.
Comes with 2 sides and honey butter rolls.
Long bone.
Feeds 10-15. 3 slab pork ribs, 2 chickens, 6 beef hot links or 3 andouille sausage, 4 1-quart sidesand 15 pieces of cornbread. Preferably pre order.
Feeds 6-9. 2 slabs pork ribs, 1 chicken, 4 beef hot links, 2 1 quart sides, 9 pieces of cornbread. Preferably pre order.
Feeds 6-9. 2 slabs pork ribs, 1 chicken, 2 beef hot links, 2 andouille sausages, 2 1-quart sides, 9 pieces of cornbread. Preferably pre order.
Feeds 3-5. 1 slab of pork ribs, 1 chicken, 1 beef hot links, 2 1 pint sidesand 5 pieces of corn bread. Preferably pre order.