7.2 ph with minerals added vortex to put life and memory back in.
7.2 ph with minerals added vortex to put life and memory back in.
7.2 ph with minerals added vortex to put life and memory back in.
7.2 ph with minerals added vortex to put life and memory back in.
Pure oxygenated water. Shelf life 24 hours.
8.5pH. Delicious.
8.5pH. Delicious.
8.5pH. Delicious.
8.5pH. Delicious.
5 gallon glass Alkaine
3 gallon glass Alkaine
100% purified water.
100% purified water.
100% purified water.
100% purified water.
9.5pH ionized water.
9.5 pH ionized water.
9.5pH ionized water.
9.5pH ionized water.