Banana, dates, walnuts, pistachios, coconut, honey and heavy cream.
Banana, pistachio, walnuts, dates, coconut and honey.
Strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, acai, banana and almond milk.
Strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, cranberry juice, and honey.
Orange, mango, pineapple, and peach.
Milk, banana, pistachio, walnuts, dates, coconut, and honey.
Carrot juice and Iranian traditional ice cream.
Milk, banana, mango, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream,
Milk, banana, mango, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream,
Watermelon, pineapple, mango, and strawberry.
Celery, carrot and apple.
Celery, apple, ginger, lemon, orange and spinach.
Celery, apple, cucumber, ginger, lemon, parsley and spinach.
Apple, carrot, beet, ginger and lemon.
Celery, apple, carrot, beet, cucumber, and ginger.
Celery, apple, carrot, beet, and parsley.
Celery, apple, carrot, cucumber, and spinach.
Celery, apple, cucumber, spinach, and kale.
Celery, apple, cucumber, spinach, kale, pineapple, and strawberry
Cheese, Italian pizza sauce.
Pepperoni and cheese.
Basil, tomato and cheese.
Spinach, mushroom and cheese.
Green pepper, mushroom, olives, tomato, onion and cheese.
Ground beef, green peppers, mushroom, onion and cheese.
Chicken breasts, green peppers, onion, cheese, BBQ sauce.
Hot dog, beef mortadella, green peppers, mushroom, olives, tomatoes, onion, and cheese.
Smoked turkey, pineapple and cheese.
Beef and chicken jamboun, pepperoni, hot dogs, beef mortadella and cheese.
Grilled chicken, green peppers, mushroom, onion, pesto sauce and cheese.
Grilled chicken, mushroom, green peppers, onion, pesto sauce.
Jalapeno tanoori, green peppers, mushrooms, jalapenos, and cheese.
Basil, tomato, and mozzarella cheese.
Mushroom, spinach, lettuce, tomato, olives and cheese.
Beef martadella, lettuce, pickles, tomato, cheese, potato sticks.
Jalapeno tanoori, lettuce, pickles, tomato, cheese, potato sticks.
Hot dogs, lettuce, pickles, tomato, cheese, potato sticks.
Chicken jamboun, lettuce, pickles, cheese, potato sticks.
Beef jamboun, lettuce, pickles, cheese, potato sticks.
Beefsteak, mushroom, green peppers, onion, cheese.
Hot dog, beef martadella, lettuce, pickles, tomato, onion, potato sticks.
Grilled chicken, tomato, cheese with your choice of BBQ or pesto sauce.
Pastrami, mushrooms, tomato, and cheese.
Chicken, mushroom, cilantro, pickles, onion, tomato and cheese.
Beef, mushroom, cilantro, pickles, onion, tomato and cheese.
Tuna, basil, red onion, celery, and mayonnaise.
Smoked turkey, cilantro, pickles, onion, tomato and cheese.
Roast beef, lettuce, tomato, mushrooms, cheese and pesto.
Grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, cheese and pesto.
Your choice of 3 meats, lettuce, tomato, pickles and cheese.
Hot dog, beef mortadella, mushroom, cilantro, pickles, onion, potato sticks, and cheese.
32 oz.
32 oz.
32 oz.
32 oz.
32 oz.
32 oz.