served with Fries, Bread, Coleslaw, and our Homemade Sweet and Sassy BBQ sauce.
Served with Fries, Bread, Coleslaw, and our Homemade Sweet and Sassy BBQ sauce.
Served with Fries, Bread, Coleslaw, and our Homemade Sweet and Sassy BBQ sauce
Tuesday and Thursday Price is 8.50
Pick any two sides and one meat. Choose From: PaPa Mixed Greens, Sweet Potato, Chicken and Dumpling, Potato Salad, Mac And Cheese, Rib Tips or 3-4 Wings or Links(new)
Pick any two sides and one meat. Choose From: PaPa Mixed Greens, Sweet Potato,Mac and Cheese, Chicken and Dumpling, Potato Salad, Rib Tips or 6-7 Wings or Links(new)
Our sides come in 3 different sizes and includes: PaPa Mixed Greens, Mac and Cheese, Sweet Potatoes, Potato Salad, Seasonal Items Baked Beans(March-Aug), Spaghetti (March-Aug),Mix Vegetables Sept- Oct), Mashed Potatoes (Sept-Oct), Chicken and Dumpling(Aug-March), Green Bean Casserole(Oct-January), and Dressing(Dec-Feb).
Provided by vettilou backing
Provided by vettilou backing
Provided by vettilou backing
Provided by one cupcake at a time
Provided by one cupcake at a time
Provided by Jimmy Jamm Sweeet Potato Pies Inc
(100 wings)
(50 wings)
(30 wings)
(orders of 10+)
(orders of 10+)
Regular Price is $25. Must be placed 4-6 hours in advanced.
Regular Price is $21. Must be placed 4-6 hours in advanced.
(orders of 5+)
(orders of 5+)
Any combination. (orders of 5+)
Rib Tips and 25 wings
Tips and 50 wings