Chocolate ice cream with brownies, chocolate flakes and fudge topping in a waffle bowl
Cake batter and fudge ice cream with cookie dough and sprinkles in a waffle bowl
Caramel, vanilla, cinnamon and dulce de leche ice cream with Twix and Heath in a waffle bowl
Peanut butter ice cream with Reese's peanut butter cups, brownies and fudge topping in a waffle bowl
Banana and marshmallow cream ice cream with graham crackers, cheesecake bites topped with fudge topping and whipped cream in a waffle bowl
Mint and fudge ice cream with Oreo's and Andes mints in a waffle bowl
Mocha and chocolate ice cream with Heath and almonds in a waffle bowl
Coconut and black raspberry ice cream with mixed berries and coconut flakes in a waffle bowl
Cherry flavored ice cream with chocolate flakes and cherries in a waffle bowl
Lime and cheesecake ice cream with graham crackers and cheesecake bites in a waffle bowl. Citric acid optional.
Strawberry, vanilla and marshmallow cream ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream in a waffle bowl
Lemon and raspberry ice cream with mixed berries and peaches in a waffle bowl. Citric acid optional.
Cake Batter and cinnamon ice cream with cookie dough and pecans in a waffle bowl
Coca Cola
Diet Coke
Mello Yello
Energy Drink
Bottled Water