Thin slices of chicken breast marinated and seasoned with azama family recipes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Thin slices of beef marinated and seasoned with azama family recipes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with tahini sauce.
Thin slices of lamb marinated and seasoned with azama family recipes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with tahini sauce.
Thin slices of chicken breast & beef marinated and seasoned with azama family recipes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Thin slices of chicken breast & lamb marinated and seasoned with azama family recipes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Thin slices of beef & lamb marinated and seasoned with azama family recipes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with tahini sauce.
Chicken breast seasoned with azama family recipes, skewered and charbroiled with lettuce, pickles , tomatoes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with tahini sauce.
Lean beef seasoned with azama family recipes, skewered and charbroiled with lettuce, pickles , tomatoes. Rolled in syrian pita bread with tahini sauce.
Lean lamb seasoned with azama family recipes, skewered and charbroiled with lettuce, tomatoes,pickles. Rolled in syrian pita bread with tahini sauce.
Lean ground beef mixed with chopped onions, parsley and azama family recipes, skewered, and charbroiled. Rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad,pickles and tahini sauce.
Chickpeas with vegetarian herbs and azama seasoning, fried to a golden crisp and rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Vine leaves stuffed with a savory mix of rice, onions and selected middle Eastern herbs and spices rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Fresh cooked chickpeas blended with middle Eastern spices, lemon juice and olive oil, rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Fresh-chopped parsley mixed with finely diced tomatoes, onions, cracked wheat, lemon juice and olive oil rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Pureed eggplant with pomegranate, chopped onions, parsley, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Cooked fava beans, chopped onions, tomatoes, parsley, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Foul mudammes, fries, hummus, baba ghanouj, tabouli, falafel and egyptian salad rolled in syrian pita bread with azama salad, pickles and tahini sauce.
Thin slices of chicken breast marinated and seasoned with our azama family recipes. Stacked on a standing grill (rotisserie) broiled to perfection. Served with rice and salad.
Thin slices of beef marinated and seasoned with our azama family recipes. Stacked on a standing grill (rotisserie) broiled to perfection. Served with rice and salad.
Thin slices of lamb marinated and seasoned with our azama family recipes. Stacked on a standing grill (rotisserie) broiled to perfection. Served with rice and salad.
Thin slices of chicken & beef marinated and seasoned with our azama family recipes. Stacked on a standing grill (rotisserie) broiled to perfection. Served with rice and salad.
Thin slices of chicken & lamb marinated and seasoned with our azama family recipes. Stacked on a standing grill (rotisserie) broiled to perfection. Served with rice and salad.
Thin slices of beef & lamb marinated and seasoned with our azama family recipes. Stacked on a standing grill (rotisserie) broiled to perfection. Served with rice and salad.
Chicken breast seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
Lean lamb seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
Lean ground beef mixed with onions,parsley seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
Chicken breast and lean beef seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
Chicken breast and lamb seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
3 skewers of Chicken breast, lamb & Kofta seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
Chickpeas with vegetarian herbs and azama seasoning, fried to a golden crisp served with rice and salad.
Vine leaves stuffed with a savory mix of rice, onions and selected middle Eastern herbs and spices served with rice and salad.
Fresh cooked chickpeas blended with middle Eastern spices, lemon juice and olive oil, served with rice and salad.
Pureed eggplant with pomegranate, chopped onions, parsley, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil,served with rice and salad
Foul mudammes, fries, hummus, baba ghanouj, tabouli, falafel, grape leaves served with rice and salad.
Chicken drumsticks seasoned with our moroccan family recipes. Served with rice and salad.
Tilapia fish seasoned with our moroccan family recipes. Served with rice and salad.
Lean ground beef seasoned with azama recipes, comes with American cheese lettuce ,tomatoes and mayonnaise served with fries .
Chicken breast and lean beef seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
Chicken breast and lamb seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.
3 skewers of Chicken breast, lamb & Kofta seasoned with our azama family recipes, then skewered and charbroiled. Served with rice and salad.