strawberry, raspberry, kefir, almond milk, almond butter, flax meal, cinnamon
mango, banana, ginger, agave, coconut water, pineapple juice
Banana, almond milk, apple juice, granola, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla.
Banana, strawberry, kefir, coconut milk, peanut butter, hemp granola.
strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, apple juice
Blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, banana, almond milk, protein powder.
Banana, raw cacao, maca powder, flax oil, almond milk, protein powder.
banana, coconut, kale, mint, coconut milk
Cold brew coffee, banana, almonds, flax, vanilla protein powder, almond milk.
Mango, strawberry, banana, orange juice, apple juice.
Banana, peanuts, almond milk, protein powder.
Mango, banana, spinach, apple juice, coconut water.
Strawberry, banana, flax oil, apple juice.
Banana, strawberry, blueberry, kefir, almond milk, peanut butter.
Banana, peanut powder, raw cacao, chocolate protein powder, almond milk.
Banana, almond milk, protein powder, hemp granola.
Banana, peanut, spirulina, flax oil, almond milk, protein powder.
blueberry, banana, apple juice, spirulina
Banana, coconut, pineapple juice, almond milk.
Blueberry, mango, banana, pineapple juice, kefir, chia, coconut.
Add granola at no additional cost.
Fresh juiced wheatgrass leaves.
Lemon, ginger, garlic, flax oil, cayenne.
Apple cider vinegar, honey, onion, garlic, ginger, chili, horseradish, dandelion, turmeric.
Raw apple cider vinegar, orange, lemon, onion, ginger, horseradish, habanero, garlic, turmeric
Oven-roasted turkey, Swiss cheese, apple cranberry relish, lettuce, tomato & sprouts.
Oven-roasted turkey, black forest ham, provolone, lettuce tomato, red onion & herb vinaigrette.
Chicken salad, lettuce, tomato & sprouts.
Blackened chicken, roasted red peppers, lettuce, tomato & garlic blue cheese dressing.
Grilled chicken, arugula, sprouts & sun-dried tomato veganaise.
Chipotle chicken salad, romaine & sprouts.
Pesto chicken salad, romaine, kalamata olives, tomato, red onion, pepperocini, cucumber & feta cheese.
Pesto chicken salad, romaine, tomato & sprouts.
Tuna salad, lettuce, tomato & sprouts.
Sriracha tuna salad, avocado, cucumber, lettuce & tomato.
Egg salad, lettuce, tomato & sprouts.
Mozzarella, tomato, basil, olive oil & balsamic vinegar. Vegetarian.
Steamed beets, goat cheese, arugula, tamari almonds, lettuce, red onion & shitake sesame dressing. Vegetarian.
Kale, spinach, red cabbage, carrots, red peppers, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, avocado, lettuce, red onion & veganaise. Vegan.
hummus, carrots, lettuce, tomato & sprouts. vegan.
Tempeh bacon, lettuce, tomato, sprouts & veganaise.
Blackened tofu, lettuce, tomato, sprouts & veganaise. Vegan.
Teriyaki tempeh salad, avocado, cucumber, lettuce & sprouts. Vegan.
Lentil loaf, vegan cheddar cheese, cucumber, carrots, red onion, red cabbage, lettuce & veganaise. Vegan.
Eggless salad, lettuce, tomato & sprouts. Vegan.
Organic peanut butter & grape jelly. Vegan.
Cashew cream, carrots, red cabbage, lettuce, tomato & sprouts in a collard green wrap. vegan.
hummus, red peppers, cucumbers, olives, mushrooms, avocado, lettuce, tomato & red onion in a collard green wrap. vegan.
Plant based Beyond Meat burger patty with your choice of bread and toppings. vegan (all toppings are vegan with the exception of mayonnaise and garlic blue cheese dressing. Hamburger buns are currently not vegan).
Plant based Beyond Meat brat sausage with your choice of bread and toppings. vegan (all toppings are vegan with the exception of mayonnaise and garlic blue cheese dressing. Hamburger buns are currently not vegan).
12oz - Orange, apple, carrot.
12oz - Apple, orange, lemon, beet, ginger.
12oz - Spinach, apple, lemon.
12oz -Banana, carrots, strawberry, flax oil, bee pollen.
12oz -Banana, peanut butter, almond milk, hemp granola.
12oz - Banana, mango, coconut, ginger, agave, pineapple juice, almond milk.
12oz - Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, apple juice, lemon juice.
12oz - Banana, strawberry, spinach, apple juice.
12oz - Banana, strawberry, vitamin C crystals, orange juice.