Malibu sauce, marinated cucumbers, edamame, red onion, micro radish, chilli thread, chive oil, and crispy shallot.
Malibu sauce, marinated cucumbers, edamame, red onion, micro radish, chilli thread, chive oil, and crispy shallot.
Malibu sauce, marinated cucumbers, edamame, red onion, micro radish, chilli thread, chive oil, and crispy shallot.
Marinated cucumbers, serrano, red onion, chilli oil, micro radish, red chilli thread, and crispy shallot.
Marinated cucumbers, serrano, red onion, chilli oil, micro radish, red chilli thread, and crispy shallot.
Marinated cucumbers, serrano, red onion, chilli oil, micro radish, red chilli thread, and crispy shallot.
Serrano pepper, bonito flakes, micra basil, avocado, toasted coconut, and crispy garlic.
Serrano pepper, bonito flakes, micra basil, avocado, toasted coconut, and crispy garlic.
Serrano pepper, bonito flakes, micra basil, avocado, toasted coconut, and crispy garlic.
Jicama, furikake, scallion, micro cilantro, arare, serrano, and crispy garlic.
Jicama, furikake, scallion, micro cilantro, arare, serrano, and crispy garlic.
Jicama, furikake, scallion, micro cilantro, arare, serrano, and crispy garlic.
Orange, daikon, wasabi tobika, edamame, scallion, micro radish, and arare.
Orange, daikon, wasabi tobika, edamame, scallion, micro radish, and arare.
Orange, daikon, wasabi tobika, edamame, scallion, micro radish, and arare.
carrot, basil, micro herbs, tempura flake, smoked almonds
carrot, basil, micro herbs, tempura flake, smoked almonds
carrot, basil, micro herbs, tempura flake, smoked almonds
Scallion, edamame, carrot, mango, micro radish, and seaweed blend.
Scallion, edamame, carrot, mango, micro radish, and seaweed blend.
Scallion, edamame, carrot, mango, micro radish, and seaweed blend.
Edamame, avocado, serrano, radish, sesame, marinated cucumber, crispy garlic, and micro cilantro.
Edamame, avocado, serrano, radish, sesame, marinated cucumber, crispy garlic, and micro cilantro.
Edamame, avocado, serrano, radish, sesame, marinated cucumber, crispy garlic, and micro cilantro.
Scallion, carrot, mango, jicama, and micro radish, whole 30 approved
Scallion, carrot, mango, jicama, and micro radish, whole 30 approved
Scallion, carrot, mango, jicama, and micro radish, whole 30 approved
Edamame, carrot, jicama, orange, sesame seed
Edamame, carrot, jicama, orange, sesame seed
Edamame, carrot, jicama, orange, sesame seed